Blessed Hope Community Church is a non-denominational, evangelical, biblical Christian church located in the Webster / Penfield, New York area.

Our Sunday services is held at 10:15am at our newly constructed building at 1280 Creek St. in Webster.
We have LIVE music and LIVE preaching every Sunday.
Who Are We?
Blessed Hope began holding services in September 2002 at the Harmony House in Webster. We moved to Spry Middle School in 2005. BHCC then moved services to AMC Theaters in on Palm Sunday, April 1st, 2007 and re-branded ourselves as "Church At The Movies." After 22 years of being a portable church, we now have our own building as of April 2024.
We are Christians. We also have many people coming to check out Christianity for the first time. We are very 'down-to-earth' spiritual people. We are culturally diverse. We come from all different religious backgrounds; Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc., and lots of us have come from little or no church background.
We have many single adults as well as families at BHCC. We have a very diverse age group with many young adults as well as every age group!
We are overall conservative in our theological beliefs; but continually place a huge emphasis on GRACE and cultivate an atmosphere that shows our high value on love and acceptance to everyone! We believe God meets & loves everyone right where they are, flaws and all! We have a great focus on being God's messengers of love and kindness to the world!
Some of us had previously given up on church and others began to believe that church wasn't relevant to our daily lives or was just boring: Until this church changed our minds that is!
All churches are NOT the same!
Don't GIve up on Church until you've tried Blessed Hope Community Church!
Listen to what people are saying about us:
"I can't believe how friendly and welcoming the people of this church are!"
"I knew I was home the second I walked in the door."
"The people at BHCC are all so sincere. The messages are encouraging and uplifting. I never expected to find so many great friends."
"I LOVE the music! They do all contemporary Christian songs and the band is fantastic!"
"I can't even imagine my life before this church. They have helped me and my family in so many ways!"
BHCC is a church that loves using the latest and greatest technology to help people grow closer to God. That's one reason we love meeting at the theater on Sundays. We love the big screen! We love how great the band sounds in there. We love creating artistic graphics and showing movies as part of our service. We believe God would want us to use all these tools to share His message and love with the world! We don't believe church should ever be boring.
It's an exciting time to be a part of BHCC. We are a healthy, happy and growing family of God that focuses on helping others in need. We have no 'clicks' in this church and many, many new people and new visitors every week. We hope you'll come and check us out sometime soon!